Overide button

Hi, the red overide button on the temp control handle has broken - can a replacement be sourced? Thx.
Asked 8 years ago by William
You don't mention which shower valve you have so I cant work out which know you need

Below is a link to our Crosswater valves/spares


If you cant see yours there then send us a couple of photos and we will try and ID iy for you.

Answered 8 years ago by George Thomson

Sorry, it was on the page where I typed the message and I thought it carried through - obviously not.
It is a CROSS-GP0000250 cartridge and I've now dismantled the handle. The red button has broken where the little brass peg sits in a cross hole. The pale nylon ring is rather bashed as well. I will certainly need a new ring which I see is available as a spare and if the red button in not available separately, then I'll turn one up in brass or something.
The good news is that the cartridge I bought from you a while ago is now fitted and controlling nicely.

Answered 8 years ago by William Bargman

The red override button is not available , and neither is the temperature handle . Sorry.

Answered 8 years ago by Barrie Seabright

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