Mira agile temperature problem

Hi The water from my Mira agile is giving lukewarm temperature. Should I replace the cartridge with this one or could it be a different problem? It used to be hot, only recently become quite cool. Thanks
Asked 5 years ago by Claire Roe, Bristol
Regarding the temperature fluctuation or cool running, it could be a faulty cartridge. However to check this if you have the shower fed from a combi boiler, see if you can get hold of the hot supply pipe before it enters the shower or perhaps as it leaves the boiler.

If when holding this pipe the temperature fluctuates or goes cool, then the problem is not with the shower but more likely with the boiler, as the shower can only deliver what the boiler sends to it.

Disregard the temperature at the taps as they have a different flow rate.

Answered 5 years ago by Barrie Seabright

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