mira jump

My Mira jump turns on functions okay then suddenly goes cold without the control being touched or a tap going on elsewhere interupting the water flow. Turning it off seems to reset it. Is it a problem with the thermal cut out? Thanks
Asked 7 years ago by Aldo
Unlikely to be the thermal cut out.

The things to check first are:

1 That the main valve coming into your house is fully open.

2 Then check that the valve on the line to the shower is fully open.

If these valves are not fully open then there may not be enough water getting to your shower to cool it properly, it overheats the safety device cuts in (TCO) and turns the power off to the elements until it cools down and it all starts again!

Make sure that the shower head is clean and clear, that the hose isn’t kinked (this can happen just behind the hand set where it is difficult to see) also check the inside of the hose although it can look OK on the outside it could have collapsed internally

The other possibility is a faulty flow/stabilizer valve not allowing the correct amount of water into the shower.
There is a link below that explains the above. www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0xrObqfGqg

Answered 7 years ago by George Thomson

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